Tarneit Pest Control - Pest Control In Tarneit

Spiders in ladies ear

Susie Torres went to the doctor with what she thought was water sloshing around in her left ear. But water doesn't have eight legs, pincers and a venomous bite.

Doctors in Kansas City, Missouri, pulled a venomous brown recluse spider out of Torres' ear, and somehow, she kept her cool.

But she's never sleeping without earplugs again.

She woke up Wednesday morning with popping and swishing sounds in her ear. She decided to check it out after work, though she didn't think much of it at first, she said

A medical assistant examined Torres' ear, then ran out of the room to grab more sets of eyes. Soon, two nurses, three medical students and a doctor joined the assistant in the tiny exam room to break the news - a spider had set up shop in her ear canal.Remarkably, she stayed calm, even with the knowledge that a skittering spider was squatting in her head, she said."Seeing the instruments they were going to put in my ear started to make me panic," she said.

After a few more tries, the doctor pulled it out in one piece and laid it out, legs flayed. They determined the invader to be a brown recluse spider, a nocturnal spider that can inject victims with a venomous fluid if it bites, she said."The nurses said it was dead, but they might've just said that so I wouldn't freak out," she said.In some sort of miracle, the team informed her the arachnid skated down her ear canal without so much as a bite, she said.She thinks it might have entered her ear while she was sleeping, so now she doesn't take any chances. She bought ear plugs shortly after her ordeal ended."I just didn't think it was possible for them to come inside the ear," she said. "Who would've thought?"

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Tarneit Pest Control - Pest Control In Tarneit
  • Business Name
  • Tarneit Pest Control
  • Business Category
  • Pest Control
  • Official Website
  • tarneitpestcontrol.com.au
  • Business Number
  • 61602112265
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  • Phone Number
  • 0484548841
  • Business Location
  • 380 Sayers Rd
    Tarneit 3029