Perfect Smiles Orthodontics
Orthodontists In Ballajura WA

- Business Name
- Perfect Smiles Orthodontics
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- Phone Number
- (08) 9249 4250
- Business Type
- Orthodontists
- Business Location
- Ballajura 6066
Western Australia
About Us
Perfect Smiles Orthodontics is the brainchild of Dr. Jeremy Chin, a renowned orthodontist who has added value to the industry for long years and has an envious career in London before he came and settled in Australia. With clinics in Ballajura and Ocean Reef, we offer all-inclusive orthodontic treatment facilities to the service residents belonging to the surrounding area.
Never sitting idle on the past laurel, we continuously strive to excel in our services and keep on updating our knowledge. This includes research and product development and teaching. Latest equipment is used to offer best services. For example, intraoral scanner, digital radiography, acceledent, digital images and electronic patient records- every facility is available.
We consider cases individually. Based on age, a particular orthodontic service is offered. Customised services are offered to children, adolescent, and adults. Our certified nursing staff knows that adolescents have unique requirements and suggest them to wear braces that would take care of them properly. As braces are integral for correcting the alignment of teeth, our registered dentists offer the right kind of tips and suggestions.
Those who want to wear a confident smile could never neglect orthodontic requirements. Perfect Smiles Orthodontics offers services during the public holidays and weekends also.
The Best Orthodontics Service Providers in Perth - Perfect Smiles Orthodontics

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