Specialty Food

Specialty Food In Victoria

CloseSauciety Italian Food
Specialty Food in Frankston , Victoria. Homemade, Traditional Italian Pasta Sauces and Meals. Sauciety is located in Frankston for pickup and delivery. Traditional recipes, passed down through generations and brought to you by our very own Bec. With lots of old favourites and some you've probably never tried before, Sauciety is here to satisfy everyone's biggest carb craving.
CloseFarce Charcuterie
Specialty Food in Sunshine North , Victoria. Every day at Farce Charcuterie we are slicing and dicing, curing and mincing. Since Covid-19 we have pivoted our business to include prepared meals. All prepared meals are made with our ethos of Ethical Local Sustainable in mind. Each month we create a new menu and also cook weekly specials from what’s available at the markets.